Devil May Cry Director Hideki Kamiya Interview

STYLISH Desires-1

In the early development stage, how much of the Devil May Cry blueprint was in Hideki's head?

"This game was not started by the original game, it was started to create a new Resident Evil series."

The relationship between Hideki and Resident Evil is deep. When Hideki started to work for Capcom, the first development team he joined was Resident Evil. The team was lead by Shinji Mikami.
"The development of Resident Evil was really fun. We were working for Mikami Director, who said "Good enough to sale this game about 300,000 copies but we're going to make the game worth to seeing." and I truly felt we are making the masterpiece."
In following Resident Evil 2, Hideki directed the game, but in this time, he faced a big wall.
"I was in between "as a creator" and "as a businessman". The word "Productivity" was on my shoulder."
What kind of thing was his wall?
"Resident Evil series' presumption is "The Fear" and all directions have to intensify the fear. Also, Resident Evil is series game, so world of the story is already built up. I created the game carefully following the fear, but in the cut-scene, I couldn't resist to make it showy. Sometime people said "Resident Evil 2 is not scary" ..... Well, maybe that opinion is right. *laugh* "
Restriction because it is a series game, it actually closes the freedom of developing the game.
"Also, company gave me a order "Make a game that sales 2 million copies" so, We have to create the game to find the point between the attract original Resident Evil fan, such as hard core game/horror fan and open the door to attract newbee users."
Fortunately, Resident Evil 2 achieves the goal to sale 2 million copies. Even Hideki was satisfied to show his color in the game. Also, he has a sentimental feeling towards Resident Evil 2 because the game was his very first directed game. But he still had a feelings something about the game was undeveloped.
"So, when I started to make new Resident Evil (Later changed to Devil May Cry), my goal was "Full Model Change!!". We can't do like use to be anymore, then I changed the game theme from the fear to "The Stylish", to turn Resident Evil to the showy action game."
It was a challenge to the area that the old Resident Evil never stepped into.

"In this point, the idea of create the game to be fun action game was in my head. "Realistic motion animation", "Exciting graphic effects" and "Dramatic sound effects" everything Resident Evil uses to increase the feelings of fear, I use those elements to create showy speedy action game and I wanted to make action game with super visual impact. Everything started from that."
And his new Resident Evil series game turned to Devil May Cry, the brand new game. When the game got free from the restriction, Devil May Cry's goal, "Stylish hard action" was born.
"I think Mr. Mikami wanted this result as the game is not stay inside small area. Well..... of course, he was mad at me a little.... *laugh* "

When new Resident Evil turn to Devil May Cry, Hideki had one focus point, it was the identity to be a action game.
"I already decided to make the game for die-hard action game users, because if I made easy newbee game, they are not going to feel the real fun to play action game, such as "Tension of dealing with the enemy", "Satisfaction from achievement" and "Pleasure to be better""
Create a real game is his aim.
"Resident Evil is not an action game, the only action you can do in Resident Evil is aim the weapon and shoot. I consider Resident Evil is more like adventure game. I wanted to make Devil May Cry to reflect users techniques directory to the game play. If you have good reflex, you can beat the game easier.

His game experience with "Fantasy zone" or "Gradius", he said he beat "Star Fox" once a day when he was a student, also he loves to play "Zelda" ....... He always tried hard to be better and beat those games, those experiences are his background to create the real action game.

Interview from: Devil May Cry Graphic Edition
Published date: Dec 20 2001
Published by: Kadokawa Syoten Co,. LTD

All text translated by doughboy.
Original Japanese text all rights reserved by Capcom and related publishers.
English version of text rights reserved by doughboy and written permission required to re-use text.
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