Devil May Cry Director Hideki Kamiya Interview

STYLISH Desires-2

In Devil May Cry, -the desire is to create a fun action game, there are many option for mode of attack. Without a variety in action, the game would never be able to magnetize the user and be a challenging.

"In the beginning, my first idea was to attack the enemy by gun, but then an idea to use the sword came up, in Resident Evil world, that kind of idea will never happen because it doesn't match the world of Resident Evil, but we are making Devil May Cry, so we evidently decided to use it."

The sword is not only a weapon to just swing around or cut.
"When we decided to use sword, we had to think about how the character can use the sword, then we have to think what kind of style to use. My idea was western or eastern doesn't matter, all the sword fighting style is Dante's style.
Actually, traditional knight sword and knight style sword fighting is beautiful, but it is not going to be Dante's way, also Devil May Cry is not the kind of pretty game. Not gentle!!
Dante is the son of a legendary knight but he is the man who relentlessly blow devils away with his guns. I don't think that kind of guy should care about fighting style, or better not care about it. We should break all stereotypes and it creates new Dante's way. This was the whole idea. If I can give you a good example, it is like major league player who hits big home-runs with messy form. The character motion designers got my idea quickly. Even they wanted to create with my idea I thought."
Hideki said not only cool, he wanted something that gives a strong personality to Dante. Creation of Dante's way is exact creating Dante himself. Also, after the game released, Dante's image is guns and sword, but in those days, still Dante was just two guns Dante.
"After we developed the game a while, we realized we could keep both guns and swords all the time in system memory. So, we decided to put sword on Dante's back and put different buttons for both weapons, so the users can change back and forth in a second."
After the adoption of the sword, another idea quickly came together.
"In the game, there are two different fighting styles, such as "Alastor the sword" and "Ifrit the arms" but before, we were planning both weapons are sword and only difference is thunder sword and fire sword. We even made half circle shaped fire sword design. But after we decided Dante is sword and guns, and started to finish up fire attack part, I was thinking about some kind of stylish and unexpected fighting style. I thought if we have fire attack idea, we should make something gives users a surprise. My answer was martial arts. Kick and punch, round and jumping kick or axe kick!! When I had a meeting with the character programmer, we were having so much fun creating new fighting ideas. And we created fighting Ifrit.
When I was making Devil May Cry, I tried not to be caught by one idea or stuck in small world,always keep my head wide open and search for a new ideas and feelings.
I thought "OK, world is devil world and enemies are all devils, but it is OK to give axe kick to devil, looks totally cool and that kind of unprecedented idea is Devil May Cry." and I try to be adaptable for all different kind of ideas."
Then a lot of action motion ideas were adopted for Devil May Cry. The users use different attacks and achieve a style this is one of the main elements that makes Devil May Cry a complete action game.

"In Resident Evil, everybody try time attack, but in Devil May Cry, if you run away from enemies, you can't get orbs so the users get frustrated and attack enemies. *laugh* then, when the users start to attack the enemy, they want to achieve "STYLISH" and play more. Therefore, I try to make the game for users to hold the controller until the end of the game, and I tried to create a game play that users will be addicted to.
I thought it has to be fun to use attack that only you make "STYLISH" I want users to create their own "STYLISH" attack, not follow the attacking ideas from guide book or somebody else."
Yes, Hideki put not only action in Devil May Cry, but also we can't forget about the pursuit of individual styling.

Interview from: Devil May Cry Graphic Edition
Published date: Dec 20 2001
Published by: Kadokawa Syoten Co,. LTD

All text translated by doughboy.
Original Japanese text all rights reserved by Capcom and related publishers.
English version of text rights reserved by doughboy and written permission required to re-use text.
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